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Part 1: Copy and Paste Each Paragraph into a Separate Macro
(Be sure to check the "Show as Token Action?" box)



&{template:default} {{name= @{selected|character_name} is casting ?{What Spell?} at @{target|foe|character_name}!}} {{attack= @{selected|character_name} rolls a [[1d100cs>95cf<10+@{selected|CA}]], ?{Uses Defense?|no,and needs a 50|yes, and @{target|foe|character_name} has a defense of @{target|foe|Defense}}}} {{damage= [[?{Damage Roll}]]}}

Go ahead and try to weasel out of this! 




&{template:default} {{name= @{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|foe|character_name}!}} {{attack= @{selected|character_name} rolls a [[1d100cs>@{selected|V Range}cf<10+@{selected|Attack}]], and the monster has a defense of @{target|foe|Defense}!}} {{damage= [[@{selected|Damage}-@{target|foe|Armor}]]}} {{vital= +[[@{selected|Damage}*(@{selected|V Mult}-1)]]}}

Go ahead and try to weasel out of this! 



Attack 2

&{template:default} {{name= @{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|foe|character_name}!}} {{attack= @{selected|character_name} rolls a [[1d100cs>@{selected|V2 Range}cf<10+@{selected|Attack 2}]], and the monster has a defense of @{target|foe|Defense}!}} {{damage= [[@{selected|Damage 2}-@{target|foe|Armor}]]}} {{vital= +[[@{selected|Damage 2}*(@{selected|V2 Mult}-1)]]}}

Go ahead and try to weasel out of this! 




&{template:default} {{name= @{selected|character_name} attacks @{target|foe|character_name}!}} {{attack= @{selected|character_name} rolls a [[1d100cs>@{selected|RV Range}cf<10+@{selected|Ranged}]], and the monster has a defense of @{target|foe|Defense}!}} {{damage= [[@{selected|R Damage}-@{target|foe|Armor}]]}} {{vital= +[[@{selected|R Damage}*(@{selected|RV Mult}-1)]]}}

Go ahead and try to weasel out of this! 




/roll 1d0 + @{selected|speed} & {tracker}

Part 2: Make sure each character and creature has these stats filled out in the "Attributes and Abilities" page on their character sheets

WARNING: The stats MUST be written EXACTLY as written here!



Attack 2


Damage 2



R Damage



V Range

V Mult

RV Range

RV Mult


V2 Range

V2 Mult



Here are the definition of the stats:

Armor (as written on main character sheet)

Attack (as written on main character sheet)

Attack 2 (bonus to second melee Attack)

Damage (damage for first melee attack)

Damage 2 (damage for second melee attack)

Defense (as written on main character sheet)

Ranged (as written on main character sheet)

R Damage (Ranged Damage)

Toughness (as written on main character sheet)

Health (as written on main character sheet)

V Range (vital range as defined by your weapon (normal is 95-100).  You only put the lowest number on the range (so a normal vital range is listed here simply as 95))

V Mult (vital multiplier as defined by your weapon.  Normal is 2.)

RV Range (The difference V Range and RV Range is that RV Range is for ranged weapons)

RV Mult (The difference V Mult and RV Mult is that RV Mult is for ranged weapons)

Dodge (as written on main character sheet)

V2 Range (The difference V Range and V2 Range is that V2 Range is for a second attack)

V2 Mult (The difference V Mult and V2 Mult is that V2 Mult is for a second attack)

Speed (as written on main character sheet)

CA (Casting Accuracy)

Part 3: Operating the Macros

Click on the appropriate macro and follow the prompt that appears at the top of your Roll20 page.  It's really that simple.

Part 4: Reading the Macros 

Screenshot 2021-09-27 2.37.45 PM.png

The first number in the "Attack" paragraph must equal or exceed the second number in the same paragraph.  It includes the to hit bonus.  If there is a red box around the first number, it is an automatic miss.  If there is a green box around it, the hit is a vital hit.  At that point, should the target have a helmet of some sort, they roll a d% to "negate the vital" (see below).

The third number is the damage dealt on a successful non-vital hit.  It includes the target's armor.

The fourth number only applies to successful vital hits.  If there was a successful vital hit, simply add this fourth number to the damage number.

The fifth number determines whether or not the target dodges the attack.  The attack was only successfully dodged if there is a green box around the number.  Successful vital hits bypass dodge, however if the vital was successfully negated, the attack can be dodged.

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