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Trail of Heroes is a fantasy role-playing game in which a sort of referee or Game Master controls the world of Gallipae, and the players adventure in it. Maps are created by the Game Master (GM).  Before the game starts, the Game Master, along with the players, chooses the dungeon or adventure site that the players start in, and after the dungeon is cleared out interaction between the players and the GM determines the next adventure site.  Players may choose to stop clearing out a dungeon at any time. Each group has 4-7 members (however all experience rules and EL’s are based on a 7 person party).  The players choose who the characters are.  At the beginning of the game, each character must be “rolled up” (see “First Level Customization”).  It should be noted that all rules mentioned in any Trail of Heroes books are completely optional to the GM.  Basically, it is impossible for the GM to cheat.  However, it is advised that most of the rules are not changed.

Trail of Heroes (basic)

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